John Wong's University of Biblical Prophecy Science (Post Doctoral degree course): Welcome to copy and distribute the content in this website. Please indicate the source: John Wong's University of Biblical Prophecy Science. John Wong is ready to be invited to give out lectures or talks on topics such as Christmas, Advent, Resurrection, Testimony, Evangelizing, Gathering & Sharing in Hong Kong, Research on biblical prophecies: Genesis, signs, visions and puzzles in Books of Leviticus, Daniel & Revelation. [ E-mail: ] ......
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John Wong's University of Biblical Prophecy Science (Post Doctoral degree course). Welcome to copy and distribute the content in this website. Please indicate the source: John Wong's University of Biblical Prophecy Science.John Wong's University of Biblical Prophecy Science (Post Doctoral degree course): Welcome to copy and distribute the content in this website. Please indicate the source: John Wong's University of Biblical Prophecy Science.John Wong's University of Biblical Prophecy Science (Post Doctoral degree course): Welcome to copy and distribute the content in this website. Please indicate the source: John Wong's University of Biblical Prophecy Science. John Wong's University of Biblical Prophecy Science (Post Doctoral degree course) John Wong's University of Biblical Prophecy Science (Post Doctoral degree course)John Wong's University of Biblical Prophecy Science (Post Doctoral degree course)John Wong's University of Biblical Prophecy Science (Post Doctoral degree course): Welcome to copy and distribute the content in this website. Please indicate the source: John Wong's University of Biblical Prophecy Science. Welcome to copy and distribute the content in this website. Please indicate the source: John Wong's University of Biblical Prophecy Science, website: . John Wong is ready to be invited to give out lectures or talks on topics such as Christmas, Advent, Resurrection, Testimony, Evangelizing, Gathering & Sharing in Hong Kong, Research on biblical prophecies: Genesis, signs, visions and puzzles in Books of Leviticus, Daniel & Revelation. [ E-mail: ] ......

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John Wong's University of Biblical Prophecy Science

Welcome to copy and distribute the content in this website. Please indicate the source: John Wong's University of Biblical Prophecy Science, website: .

Whosoever accomplished the following study units, may apply for a certificate of Post Doctoral Degree.

John Wong's Important Message

Vision of Pregnant Woman & New born Son: Book of Revelation, chapter 12.

Teaching materials in John Wong's University

Dream of Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon: Book of Daniel, chapter 2, verses 31-45. Vision of four sea beasts: Book of Daniel, chapter 7, verses 1-28. Vision of a Ram: Book of Daniel, chapter 8, verses 1-4. Vision of He Goat: Book of Daniel, chapter 8, verses 5-27. Prophecy of Seventy Weeks: Book of Daniel, chapter 9, verses 24-27. Vision of 2300 days & withstood 21 days: Book of Daniel, chapters 8-12. Prophecy of 1290 days: Book of Daniel, chapter 12, verse 11. Prophecy of 1335 days: Book of Daniel, chapter 12, verse 12. Jubilee Creation: Book of Genesis, chapters 1-2. The universe of God, Jehovah. Moses smote the rock twice: Book of Exodus, chapter 17, verses 5-6 & Book of Numbers, chapter 20, verse 11. Moses broke tables of testimony: Book of Exodus, chapter 32, verses 15-19. Mystery of 1260 days: Book of Revelation, chapters 11-13. Mystery of `A time, and times, and half a time': Book of Daniel, chapter 7, verse 25 & Book of Revelation, chapters 11-13. The Mystery of Seven Churches: Book of Revelation, chapters 1-3. Mystery of Three, Seven & Ten Lamb with Seven Horns & Seven Eyes: Book of Revelation, chapter 5, verse 6. Mystery of Opening Seven Seals: Book of Revelation, chapters 6-16. Mystery of Sounding Seven Trumpets: Book of Revelation, chapters 8-11. Mystery of Pouring Seven Vials: Book of Revelation, chapter 16. Vision of Pregnant Woman (Israel): Book of Revelation, chapter 12. Vision of Great Red Dragon (Satan): Book of Revelation, chapter 12, verses 3-17. Vision of Sea Beast (False God): Book of Revelation, chapter 13, verses 1-18. Vision of Earth Beast (False Prophet): Book of Revelation, chapter 13, verses 11-18. Vision of Great Whore (U.S.A.): Book of Revelation, chapters 17-19. Vision of Scarlet Beast (Anti-Christ): Book of Revelation, chapters 17-19. Judgement Day: Book of Revelation, chapter 20, verses 1-15. New Heaven and New Earth (Eternity): Book of Revelation, chapters 21-22. Salvation of Jesus Christ: The Era of Grace (A.D.30-A.D.2047) Knoweth no man but my Father only: Book of St. Matthew, chapter 24, verse 36 & Book of Revelation, chapter 1, verses 1-2. Jesus Christ is Saviour: Book of St. Matthew, chapters 1-2. Mystery of 666 (Anti-Christ): Book of Revelation, chapters 17-19. Mystery of the name of Wong Chung-kai (John Wong) Holy Covenant between God and Satan: Book of Daniel, chapter 9, verses 24-27. Prophecies of Jehovah God's Prophets Eternity, Seven-fold Seventy & Seventy Weeks: Book of Daniel, chapter 9, verses 24-27 and Book of Leviticus, chapter 25, verses 1-13

John Wong's Essays of Biblical Prophecy Science

John Wong's Essays of Biblical Prophecy Science (Select an essay at random.) Select an essay at random.

How to find the date of second coming of Jesus Christ (on Thu., 17th Dec., 2054) ?: Book of Daniel, chapter 9, verses 24-27 with Book of Leviticus, chapter 25, verses 1-13 and Book of Revelation, chapters 6-16. How to find the date Jesus Christ establish Millennium Kingdom (on Sun., 27th Dec., 2054) ?: Book of Daniel, chapter 9, verses 24-27 with Book of Leviticus, chapter 25, verses 1-13 and Book of Revelation, chapters 6-16. World's Nuclear War in A.D.2047 and Destruction of the Earth in A.D.2054 The Ultimate War: Book of Revelation, chapters 6-20 and Book of Ezekiel, chapter 39 Seven Golden Rules of God: Book of Daniel, chapters 7-12 and Book of Revelation, chapters 5-22 Revelation and Apocalypse: Book of Revelation, chapters 6-16 The statute of Atonement Day and Golden Jubilee: Book of Leviticus, chapter 25, verses 1-13. The World of Jehovah God: Sacred numbers 3 and 7 Prophecy of Seventy Weeks & Jehovah God create New Sky and New Earth (Eternity): Book of Daniel, chapter 9, verses 24-27 & The statute of Atonement Day and Golden Jubilee: Book of Leviticus, chapter 25, verses 1-13. Mystery of Opening Seven Seals: Book of Revelation, chapters 6-16. Mystery of Sounding Seven Trumpets: Book of Revelation, chapters 8-15. Mystery of Pouring Seven Vials: Book of Revelation, chapter 16. In the Name of Jesus Christ to All Churches: World's Seven Greatest Wisdom How to find the date Jesus Christ establish Millennium Kingdom (on Sun., 27th Dec., 2054) ?: Book of Daniel, chapter 9, verses 24-27 with Book of Leviticus, chapter 25, verses 1-13 and Book of Revelation, chapters 6-16. How to find the date Jesus Christ establish Millennium Kingdom (on Sun., 27th Dec., 2054) ?: Book of Daniel, chapter 9, verses 24-27 with Book of Leviticus, chapter 25, verses 1-13 and Book of Revelation, chapters 6-16. World's Nuclear War in A.D.2047 and Destruction of the Earth in A.D.2054 The Ultimate War: Book of Revelation, chapters 6-20 and Book of Ezekiel, chapter 39 Seven Golden Rules of God: Book of Daniel, chapters 7-12 and Book of Revelation, chapters 5-22 Revelation and Apocalypse: Book of Revelation, chapters 6-16 The statute of Atonement Day and Golden Jubilee: Book of Leviticus, chapter 25, verses 1-13. The World of Jehovah God: Sacred numbers 3 and 7 Prophecy of Seventy Weeks & Jehovah God create New Sky and New Earth (Eternity): Book of Daniel, chapter 9, verses 24-27 & The statute of Atonement Day and Golden Jubilee: Book of Leviticus, chapter 25, verses 1-13. Mystery of Opening Seven Seals: Book of Revelation, chapters 6-16. Mystery of Sounding Seven Trumpets: Book of Revelation, chapters 8-15. Mystery of Pouring Seven Vials: Book of Revelation, chapter 16. In the Name of Jesus Christ to All Churches: World's Seven Greatest Wisdom 「七個教會」的奧秘:《啟示錄》一至三章 《耶和華 神》的世界: 神聖的數字「三」和「七」 《聖經奧秘科學研究》第一章:《作者介紹》(2018數學福音使者: 黃仲佳) 《聖經奧秘科學研究》第二章:《前 言》(生命冊人數: 16,000,000,021人) 《聖經奧秘科學研究》第四章:《耶穌基督再來》(2054年12月17日星期四) 《聖經奧秘科學研究》第十三章:《「懷孕婦人」的異象》(末世地球和以色列的遭遇) 《聖經奧秘科學研究》第十四章:《「大紅龍」的異象》(中國命運) 《聖經奧秘科學研究》第十五章:《「海獸」的異象》(伊朗命運) 《聖經奧秘科學研究》第十六章:《「二千三百日」的異象》(敘利亞命運) 《聖經奧秘科學研究》第十七章:《巴比倫王「大像」之夢》(世界列強命運) 《聖經奧秘科學研究》第十八章:《「朱紅色獸」的異象》(撒但命運) 《黃仲佳》聖經預言科學研究專題講學:如何用數學證明基督教的《聖經》是真的及耶穌是彌賽亞(救世主)? John Wong's Essays of Biblical Prophecy Science: Select an essay at random.

The Mathematical Evangelist, John Wong, officially appeared in A.D.2018. Cure ineradicable diseases by Three and Seven Sponsor and Donation

John Wong's Institute of Prediction Technology & Forensic Mathematics (PT&FM)
John Wong's Thesis

Contact E-mail:

John Wong the Evangelist gives out talk or speech: Jesus is the Messiah (Saviour)

4.John Wong's University of Biblical Prophecy Science (JWUBPS) Post Doctoral degree course: A letter to Israel

Holy Bible Website: English version

How to to find the dates of Second Coming of Jesus Christ and beginning of Millennium Kingdom (Author: John Wong): Latest English version

John Wong's University of Biblical Prophecy Science (Post Doctoral degree course): Welcome to copy and distribute the content in this website. Please indicate the source: John Wong's University of Biblical Prophecy Science.

Websites to introduce `The Mystery of Holy Bible' (Author: John Wong, 1st Edition 1979):

John Wong's University of Biblical Prophecy Science (JWUBPS): Post Doctoral Degree Course

John Wong's Thesis:- Theme: World's Seven Greatest Wisdom

John Wong's Thesis:- Theme: To find the dates of Second Coming of Jesus Christ and beginning of Millennium Kingdom




John Wong's Thesis:- Theme: The World of Jehovah God

John Wong's Thesis:- Theme: Revelation and Apocalypse

John Wong's Thesis:- Theme: Jehovah God's Seven Golden Rules

John Wong's Thesis:- Theme: The Ultimate War


John Wong's Thesis to the Shaw Prize Secretariat (Mathematics):- Theme: How to clear up Biblical Puzzles and understand the Destiny of the World by Mathematics ?

John Wong's Thesis:- Theme: How nuclear explosions are related to nuclear war in A.D.2047 and destruction of the Earth in A.D.2054 ?



John Wong's Thesis:- Theme: Why did twins Jessie Presley die but Elvis Presley alive ?


John Wong's Institute of Prediction Technology & Forensic Mathematics (JWIPT&FM): Post Doctoral Degree

The Mystery of Holy Bible: Numerology & Astrology

The Mystery of Holy Bible (Author: John Wong, 1st Edition 1979): Biblical Prophecies


The Cyber Castle of Prediction Technology & Mathelogical Ascertainment of Events (PT&MAE): English version

Evangelizing website of John Wong on Carousell: Books & Essays on sale

Christianity Missions for Children: Chinese version

The Mystery of the Earth and the Universe: Chinese version

Faculty of Mathematical Prophecies in Scripture for Experts: Chinese version

Faculty of Exploration in Prophecies of The Holy Bible: Chinese version

Faculty of Mathematical Prophecies in Scripture for Senior Experts: Chinese version

The Mystery of Holy Bible (Author: John Wong) chapter 7: : Golden Jubilee & Atonement Day (Chinese version)

The Mystery of Holy Bible (Author: John Wong) chapter 8: : Creation of the Earth & Universe (Chinese version)

The Mystery of Holy Bible (Author: John Wong) chapter 9: : Prophecy of `Seventy Weeks' (Chinese version)

John Wong, The Evangelist 2018: John Wong's poems on sale (Chinese version)

John Wong's Book Shop: Books & Essays on sale (Chinese version)

John Wong's books on sale:

1.John Wong's Astrology in Prediction Technology & Forensic Mathematics (Cost price: USD100/Euro 100/HK$780/book, USD20/Euro 20/HK$160/essay or case investigation)

2.John Wong's Numerology in Prediction Technology & Forensic Mathematics (Cost price: USD100/Euro 100/HK$780/book, USD20/Euro 20/HK$160/essay or case investigation)

3.John Wong's Biblical Prophecy Science (Cost price: USD100/Euro 100/HK$780/book, USD20/Euro 20/HK$160/essay or case investigation)

4.The Mystery of Holy Bible (Cost price: USD100 or Euro 100/chapter. There are 21 chapters.)

5.John Wong's Chinese Poems (Cost price: USD100/Euro 100/HK$780/book)

6.John Wong's Astrological Charts of People's Destiny (Cost price: USD100/Euro 100/HK$780/book, USD20/Euro 20/HK$160/chart or case investigation)

John Wong's computer programs for your usage on sale:

1.John Wong's Astrology Computer Program in Prediction Technology & Forensic Mathematics (Cost price: USD100/Euro 100/HK$780/software, USD20/Euro 20/HK$160/report of case investigation)

2.John Wong's Numerology Computer Program in Prediction Technology & Forensic Mathematics (Cost price: USD100/Euro 100/HK$780/software, USD20/Euro 20/HK$160/report of case investigation)

3.John Wong's Life Bar Charts Computer Program in Prediction Technology & Forensic Mathematics (Cost price: USD100/Euro 100/HK$780/software, USD20/Euro 20/HK$160/report of case investigation)